
Wikinews talk:申请信任状

最新留言:Brianmc在16年前发布在话题Accreditation and emails

信任状的ID是如何产生的?看英文版似乎并不完全是根据注册用户的ID(因为有些信任状的ID含有A1等),谁知道英文版是如何规定的?--Shizhao 09:14 2006年6月10日 (UTC)

按顺序排的, 然后发放记者证, 记者证上印有 id, 被采访人可以通过 id 向 wikinews 确认此人记者身份 moses

Accreditation and emails[编辑]

I note that zh is the only wiki other than en. that seems to have an accreditation process. Can someone who's good with English get in touch with me about email addresses on wikinewsie.org, it has helped us greatly and I'm sure your accredited reporters could do with that as well as scoop-zh@wikinewsie.org. --Brianmc 2007年9月12日 (三) 17:16 (UTC)回复