第一个参数为机械人操作者。 The first unnamed parameter specifies the operator of the bot.
2, 3
如有需要,第二及第三个参数为其他机械人共同操作者。 The second and third unnamed parameters can be used to specify co-operators of the bot, if required.
操作者如无本地帐户,则可输入两个字母语言代码。 The two letter code for those operators that do not have an account on the English language Wikipedia (though having a local account is strongly recommended).
active(在用而且已得到批准)、 inactive(得到批准但不在用)、trial(测试中)或unapproved(未批准或许可已撤销) active (and approved), inactive (but approved), trial or unapproved
yes (如有使用AWB)或留空(如果并非使用AWB) yes (if this bot uses AWB), or omit (if it doesn't).
选填︰如有,就会更改内链连接,否则就会连接到{{BASEPAGENAME}}。 Optional if specified, overrides the name of the request for approval. If not specified, defaults to {{BASEPAGENAME}}
选填︰如有就会盖过头三个参数,即1,2及3,改为显示此参数所带内容。 Optional if specified, overrides the usual display of the operator's username in the first line generated from the three unnamed parameters.
如果上面status标记为“active/approved”,而且在此参数输入yes,则模板会标示该机械人所执行事项为毋须事先取得批准。 If status indicated active/approved, setting yes will make the template indicate that the bot is running tasks for which no approval is needed.
如果机械人曾经递交过几项申请、得到过几次批准或有几项工作,而预设BRFA连结未能够显示所有已批准申请或工作,则可在此参数输入其他维基百科页面连结。此参数会盖过brfa。 If the bot has multiple requests or approval, or multiple tasks, and the default BRFA link cannot link to a page that contains all the bot's approved requests or tasks, this field allows inputting a link to any Wikipedia page. Specifying this field overrides brfa.
其他额外资讯,通常不用,因为|status=、|brfa=及|approvalneeded=已包含大部分资讯。 Any additional information to specify in the mbox. Usually not needed, since |status=, |brfa=, and |approvalneeded= covers most cases.