


请不要故意做破坏。中文版维基新闻因怕大陆政府禁封,经过长期的推迟,昨日刚刚才启动,现在还有很多的工作,希望您能够支持,多谢! --Shibo77 14:20 2006年3月16日 (UTC)

Slobodan Milošević[编辑]

Yes I know, it is a terrible tragedy, he would have been tried for crimes against humanity if he hadn't died which isn't very good either. Do you want to write an article about his death or his funeral in Chinese? --Shibo77 14:34 2006年3月16日 (UTC)

    • Haha you are very kind and generous.... In fact, I am a Canadian and I knows a little Chinese. I am curious about Yugoslavia's events.Umm
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Click here for the English Wikinews. Welcome to the Chinese Wikinews! --Shibo77 14:52 2006年3月16日 (UTC)