[編輯]The hotline is currently paid for by IlyaHaykinson. In the long run, payment for this hotline service may be transferred to a different party (i.e. the Wikimedia Foundation).
The service is provided by RingCentral.
Current charges are:
- $14.95 / month for the toll-free number
- $9.95 / month for the additional Washington, DC local number
A brief analysis of services was performed, and the RingCentral service was chosen based on the most appropriate combination of price and feature-completeness.
An international number in the U.K. is provided by http://www.dmclub.net and is about $50 / year.
[編輯]All voicemail notifications are currently routed to a private email address of IlyaHaykinson. This will change to:
- wikinews-hotline for news submissions
- wikinews-accreditations for accreditation requests
[編輯]The voicemail system supports a number of extensions (up to 5, in the current plan). Currently these are used as follows:
- Extension 1: News
- Extension 2: Accreditation Checks
The numbering and purpose of the extensions can be changed according to community desires.
Thank you for calling the Wikinews Hotline. Press one to report news. To verify reporter credentials, please press two. You may reach us on the web at Wikinews dot "o r g". Wikinews is an independent news organization run by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.
錄製: IlyaHaykinson on 04:20, July 20, 2005 (UTC)
歡迎您致電維基新聞熱線。報告新聞請按一,驗證記者信任狀請按二。 我們的網址是zh.wikinews.org。維基新聞是由非營利機構維基媒體基金會運營的獨立新聞群組織。
Extension 1
[編輯]The current wording of the greeting for Extension 1 is:
To report news, please speak slowly and clearly. You may press the pound or hash sign at any time to start recording. After recording your message, simply hang up. Be sure to include details, such as the location and date of the event on which you are reporting. If you wish, include your name and a method of contacting you and a Wikinews editor may get in touch with you for more information, to clarify details of your report, or to verify information. Your report will be considered public domain and may be used by Wikinews editors to begin a new story or expand an existing story. Remember that you can also submit news by visiting Wikinews on the web at "e n" dot wikinews dot "o r g". Thank you.
Recorded by: IlyaHaykinson on 04:20, July 20, 2005 (UTC)
The proposed wording of the greeting for Extension 1 is:
To report news, please speak slowly and clearly. You may press the pound or hash sign at any time to start recording. After recording your message, simply hang up. Be sure to include details, such as the location and date of the event on which you are reporting. If you wish, include your name and a method of contacting you and a Wikinews editor may contact you for more information, to clarify details of your report, or to verify information. Your report will be considered public domain and may be used by Wikinews editors to begin a new story or expand an existing story. Remember that you can also submit news by visiting Wikinews on the web at "e n" dot wikinews dot "o r g".
Extension 2
[編輯]The current wording of the greeting for Extension 2 is:
Thank you for calling. To verify a Wikinews reporter's credentials, please leave a message. Make sure to name your organization and your contact information, and a Wikinews administrator will get back to you shortly. You may also check accreditation by visiting our web site at Wikinews dot org and searching for credentials.
Recorded by: IlyaHaykinson on 04:20, July 20, 2005 (UTC)
The proposed wording of the greeting for Extension 2 is: