用户:Clear Sky C/caogao
[编辑]- 火狐浏览器(Mozilla Firefox) 一个相当安全、易用的网页浏览器,支持标签式浏览,可以配合BugMeNot插件。
- BugMeNot 一个浏览器插件,它可以在一些需要注册、登陆才能看到文章的站点帮助你保护你的隐私和计算机,它需要配合Firefox浏览器使用。
[编辑]- 卡塔尔半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)(英语)
- 英国广播公司(BBC)在线新闻(英语)
- 英国BBC中文网(简体)
- 英国BBC中文网(繁体)
- 有线电视新闻网(CNN)在线新闻(英语)
- 塔斯社(英语) - 俄罗斯新闻社
- 国际先驱论坛报 International Herald and Tribune(英语)
- 路透社 Reuters(英语) - 英国新闻社
- 路透社简体中文版
- 路透社繁体中文版
- 联合国新闻服务中心(中文)
- 联合国新闻服务中心(英文)
- 美国之音(英语) - 美国政府的公共领域新闻源
- 新华网(中文) - 新华社(中华人民共和国新闻社)主办
- 中国新闻网(中文) -中新社(中国新闻社)主办
- 中央通讯社(中文)- 台湾新闻社。
- 法新社(多语、无中文)- 法国新闻社
- IRIN(英语) - 联合国设立的关注于人道问题的新闻机构.
- Steven Aftergood's Secrecy News(英语) - "new developments in secrecy, security and intelligence policies"
- Cryptome(英语) - "Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide"
[编辑]- China News on Google.com 最全面的多源新闻网
- China News on Google.cn 符合中国政府要求的多源新闻网
- 百度新闻- 提供多家新闻源的新闻信息
- 新华网- 权威通讯社的咨询信息。
- 网易新闻
- 新浪新闻
- 搜狐新闻
- Yahoo!中国
- 舜网
- 新京报
- 北京报业
- 北国网(辽宁日报)
- 南方报业
- 齐鲁热线
- 齐鲁晚报网
- 四川在线(四川日报)
- 河南报业网
- 北京青年报
- 金羊网(羊城晚报)
- 大洋网(广州日报)
- 北方热线(沈阳日报)
- 北方网(天津)
- 千龙网(北京)
- 东方网(上海)
- 华龙网(重庆)
- 长城在线(河北)
- 大众网(山东)
- 大河网(河南)
- 黄河新闻网(山西)
- 通网(陕西)
- 天山网(新疆)
- 荆楚网(湖北)
- 红网(湖南)
- 中国江西网(江西)
- 中安网(安徽)
- 江海网(江苏)
- 浙江在线(浙江)
- 福建东南新闻网(福建)
- 海南新闻网(海南)
- 南方网(广东)
- 桂龙网(广西)
- 东北网(黑龙江)
- 东北新闻网(辽宁)
- 中国吉林网(吉林)
- 四川新闻网(四川)
- 云网(云南)
- 金黔在线(贵州)
- 中国西藏新闻网(西藏)
- 青海新闻网(青海)
- 宁夏新闻网(宁夏)
- 内蒙古新闻网(内蒙古)
[编辑]- 南华早报
- 明报新闻网
- 东方报业网
- 壹苹果网络
- 香港经济日报
- 成报
- 星岛日报
- 大公报
- 香港文汇报
- 香港都市日报
- Am730
- 头条日报
- Yahoo!香港
- 香港独立媒体
- 亚洲电视新闻网
- 凤凰网
- 无线电视新闻网
- 亚洲周刊
- 香港大纪元时报
- 开放杂志
- 亚洲时报
- 争鸣动向网站
[编辑]- 台湾商务网产业新闻-台湾商务通讯社
- 台湾日报
- 自由时报
- 台湾苹果日报
- 中国时报
- 联合报
- 中央日报
- 中华日报
- 台湾新生报
- 都会时报
- 更生日报
- 人间福报
- 自立晚报
- 台湾大纪元时报
- 丽台运动报
- 立报
- 国语日报
- 军事新闻网(青年日报)
- 荣光电子报
- 荣民历史文化网
- 新新闻周报
- 新台湾新闻周刊
- 中央通讯社
- 中央广播电台
- 中广万维网
- 公共电视
- 大爱电视
- 台视万维网
- 中视万维网
- 华视万维网
- 民视新闻网
- 东森新闻
- ERA年代
- 三立电视
- 中天电视网
- 八大电视台
- 非凡电视台
- 南方快报
- HiNet 新闻网
- 蕃薯藤-新闻
- 网络家庭-新闻
- 新浪新闻中心
- Yahoo!奇摩新闻
- MSN台湾─新闻与影视
- 民众日报
[编辑]- CNN IBN Live (广播)
- Daily Excelsior (报纸)
- Deccan Herald, The (报纸)
- Gomantak times (Internet only)
- 印度政府
- Grabline - India News Aggregation (Internet Only)
- Hindu, The (Newsprint)
- Hindustan Times (Newsprint)
- Indian Express, The (Newsprint)
- India Monitor (Wire) - Categorises news by region and subject.
- India Radio (Broadcasting)
- NDTV (Broadcasting)
- New Indian Express, The (Newsprint)
- Mumbai Mirror (Online News from Mumbai)
- Ranchi Express (Portal)
- Rediff (Portal)
- Samachar News Site (Internet Only)
- Statesman, The (Newsprint)
- SUN TV (Broadcasting)
- Sunday express, The (Newsprint)
- Telegraph, The (Newsprint) - Based in Calcutta
- Times of India, The (Newsprint)
- Tribune, The (Newsprint)
- Week, The (Newsprint)
[编辑]- Technorati Iraq tag. Blog searching
[编辑]- 耶路撒冷邮报 Daily English languague newspaper.
- Yediot Aharonot (Latest News) Daily English languague newspaper.
- haaretz ("the country") News and commentary relating to events in Israel
- "hrutz sheva" (channel 7) news source, identified with the Religious Zionist Movement.
[编辑]- echo. msk. ru Echo 莫斯科回声电台(Эхо Москвы) news and commentary radio station (in Russian)
- Gazeta Online news resource
- The Moscow NewsМосковские Новости
[编辑]- 曼谷邮报. English-language local paper's website.
- ThaiDay. English-language articles from Manager Online, provided as a pull-out supplement in the International Herald and Tribune's Thai edition.
- The Nation. English-language Thai daily paper.
- MCOT. Thai News Agency (English).
- National News Bureau. Government run English-language news site.
- Pattaya Mail English-language local paper.
- Phuket Gazette English-language local paper.
[编辑]- 澳洲星岛日报
- 澳洲日报
- 澳洲时报
- 澳洲广播公司(ABC)在线新闻 (政府出资) 澳洲广播公司
- Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) World News (government funded, specifically pro-multiethnic) wikipedia entry
- 澳联社 - 主流新闻提供者组成的辛迪加 澳联社
- The Age - Melbourne (Fairfax) wikipedia entry
- 悉尼先驱晨报 - Sydney (Fairfax) wikipedia entry
- The Australian - national (News Ltd) wikipedia entry
- News.com.au (News Ltd) wikipedia entry
- National Nine News - (PBL + MSN) wikipedia entry
- Network TEN News & Weather (public company) wikipedia entry
- Seven News (public company) wikipedia entry
- Green Left Weekly - alternative newspaper (DSP) wikipedia entry
- Australian Financial Review - business news daily (Fairfax) wikipedia entry
- Crikey One of the only independent news resources in Australia
- Oceania Indymedia - alternative online media cooperative wikipedia entry
- 维基百科頖别:澳洲媒介公司
[编辑]- IOL. News for South Africa and the World.
- ITWeb. The Technology News Site.
- News24. Southern Africa online news resource also supplying Afrikaans content.
[编辑]- 美国华尔街日报中文版
- 自由亚洲广播电台中文版
- 美国之音中文网
- swissinfo中文版
- 美南新闻
- 美国星岛日报
- 美国商务部经济分析局 - 美国经济指数
- 霍士新闻频道
- 谷歌新闻
- 全国公共广播(NPR)
- 洛杉矶时报. Requires free login
- 纽约时报. Requires free login.
- The Detroit News
- The Detroit Free Press
- 白宫新闻简报
- Christian Science Monitor
- Democracy Now!.
[编辑]- 加拿大星岛日报
- Canada.com, an online portal with many local and regional newspapers
- 加拿大广播公司新闻
- 全球新闻网
- Globe and Mail
- Google News加拿大版
- 加拿大广播公司法语版
- 国家邮报
- 多伦多星报
- 星星生活周报
[编辑]- ABr. Agência Brasil (Radiobras). A news agency from Brazilian government. News in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
- AE. Agência Estado (O Estado de São Paulo). Daily newspaper in Brazil. In Portuguese.
- AF. Agência Folha (Folha de São Paulo). Daily newspaper in Brazil in Portuguese.
[编辑]- Caracol Radio. In Spanish.
- El Pais. Daily newspaper in Colombia. In Spanish.
[编辑]- 英国金融时报中文网
- 路透社简体中文版
- 路透社繁体中文版
- Google News UK版
- 卫报
- 独立报
- Newswire Today - UK Newswire Distribution Network
- 每日电讯
- 泰晤士报
- UK Government Newsroom - run by the w:Cabinet Office
- UK Parliament News - includes all forthcoming business in the w:British House of Commons and w:House of Lords and timetables for elections
[编辑]- Der Standard. Daily newspaper in German.
- Die Presse. Daily newspaper in German.
- Austrian Public Broadcasting (ORF) Online. In German.
- Kurier. Daily newspaper in German.
[编辑]- Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE) News National TV & Radio Service
- The Irish Times Daily National Newspaper
- Irish Independent Daily National Newspaper
- Irish Examiner Daily National Newspaper (however it is quite Munster orinated)
- Sunday Business Post Weekly National Newspaper (Business-oriented)
- Finfacts.com Irish Business Portal - company press releases, economy reports & general business news.
- Business Plus Monthly Business Magazine
- Ireland Online (IOL) News - Irish Internet Portal.
- Unison.ie Collaboration of 27 Irish newspapers (mainly local news).
- Businessworld.ie Irish business news portal.
- Hogan Stand GAA Magazine
[编辑]- Ansa 意大利新闻社
- Corriere della Sera Daily newspaper in Italian
- Repubblica Daily newspaper in Italian
[编辑]- Algemeen Dagblad Daily newspaper in the Netherlands
- NRC Handelsblad Daily newspaper in the Netherlands
- Het Parool Daily newspaper in the Netherlands
- Telegraaf Daily newspaper in the Netherlands
- Volkskrant Daily newspaper in the Netherlands
- Swissinfo.org. News of Switzerland in English.
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Daily newspaper in German.
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung. English Window.
[编辑]- El País. The spanish most important daily newspapaer.
- El Mundo. Another relevant newspaper in the spanish media landscape.
- EFE. The most important news agency.
[编辑]- Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå (English)Largest news agency in Scandinanvia.
[编辑]- Interfax新闻社 (reports in English, Ukranian, and Russian).
- Window on Ukraine. English and Russian. Business-oriented daily.
- Unian. News agency (in English)
[编辑]- 博讯新闻网
- 大纪元时报
- 新唐人电视台
- 希望之声国际广播电台
- 新世纪
- 大参考
- 观察
- 议报
- 民主网
- 黄花岗杂志
- 公民议政网
- 人民报
- 木子夜光新闻网
- 看中国新闻网
- 中国人权
- 正道新闻网
- 无界新闻网
- 世界华人网
- 万维读者网
[编辑]Voting record resources
[编辑]- Thomas - Legislative Information on the Internet
- Senate directory
- House directory
- International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA),Voter Turnout,International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA),viewed April 2, 2005。
- Adrienne Blunt,Elections around the World,Parliament of Australia,2004年8月9日。
[编辑]- 自然杂志 -- peer-reviewed Academic science journal, useable as a primary source
- 新科学人杂志 -- popularised science news
- 每日科学杂志
[编辑]- The Register
- Slashdot News discussion site, primary focus is tech news
- Whirlpool Australian telecomms news and discussion
[编辑]- Nature Medicine peer-reviewed Academic medical journal, useable as a primary source
- British Medical Journal peer-reviewed Academic medical journal, useable as a primary source
- The Lancet peer-reviewed Academic medical journal, useable as a primary source
[编辑]- Pew Research Center. Includes timely, largely United States polls and the Pew Global Attitudes Project. On-going and annually.
- World Values Survey. Systematically and consistently gathered opinions from many countries.
- The Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Government systems, democracy.
- Quinnipiac Polling Institute Often cited by journalists, public officials and researchers
[编辑]- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Economy surveys etc.
- The Economics and Statistics Administration. "ESA is the bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce where economic and social changes are chronicled, understood, and explained."
[编辑]Please be especially cautious when relying on press release material for stories. Generally these are suitable only as leads, and as source material for quotes for stories. They can also be useful in cross-checking the origin of stories published elsewhere, since it is common practice for "journalists" to quote entire sections of a press release without specific attribution, or indeed to reprint an entire press release as a story, since the PR source is certain to be supportive and it often means an early lunch for the journalist.
- PR Newswire (U.S.)
- PR Newswire (U.K.)
- Canada NewsWire
- U.S. Newswire
- PRZOOM - Newswire Press Release Distribution Network
- Press Releases at PR.com Press Release Distribution & Promotion
- PRWeb Tier-1 Press Release Newswire Service
- PRESSi.COM Finnish News Releases
- Eworldwire Newswire Service
- I-Newswire Free Press Release Distribution Center
- Newswire Today Newswire Distribution Network
[编辑]这些站点简单的列举出其它新闻网站所发布的新闻标题或主要内容。Please try to avoid linking to aggregators of poor quality here, since many "domain squatter" sites attempt to pass themselves off as aggregators, but provide links of inconsistent quality and topic.
- google.com NewsGoogle提供的新闻
- google.cn NewsGoogle提供的新闻,经过过滤,在中国大陆可以正常访问
- 百度资讯
- TheMirror.nl Primarily tech-news, stories grouped by date
- Matt Drudge's Web Site Fairly good quality, stories selected sometimes have slight right bias, first to break the Lewinsky Story
[编辑]- Technorati
- FAQ - blogs, how tos, more
[编辑]想使用在维基新闻的图片必须 上传到维基共享资源,并必须包含版权许可。
- Wikimedia Commons维基共享
- 图片新闻来自维基共享
- Flickr - CC-by-sa
- Flickr - CC-by
- PD Photo "thousands of royalty free pictures"
- Defenselink(US DOD) - PD Has photos of US military related events
- OpenClipArt - Public Domain clipart
- FirstGov - Links to goverment sites with mostly PD photos
- IRIN Photo Gallery - use {{irin}} tag on uploaded images. Only upload to Wikinews.
Not necessarily completely free images
[编辑]Remember, if an image is not currently under a license which allows it to be hosted on Commons, you can always ask the copyright holder to release it under a different license. Here are some sources which are not necessarily free licensed, but include copyright holder contact information:
- cotch.net/photos.php - London, Southern England, Cincinnati USA (ask w:User:Steinsky)
- San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center - use {{noncommercial}} tag on uploaded images.